Communal Laboratory Facilities
Plant Growth Cabinets and Tissue Culture Rooms
We have 4 purpose-built tissue culture rooms and 7 stand-alone cabinets.
The 4 tissue culture rooms provide a suitable environment for tissue culture growth, with horizontal side wall air flow distributed across the 6 shelves per room, temperature ranges of between 18-28˚C and lights providing a maximum of 200µMoles. Humidity control is not provided within these rooms. In the near future the rooms will be changed such that all four will be set for 16 hour days; three at 21˚C and one at 24˚C. Short day growth conditions will be provided within the Conviron A1000 Adaptis chamber.
In addition to these rooms the communal cabinets can be booked by researchers requiring more specific growth conditions.
Laboratory equipment
We have laminar flow hoods, light cyclers (qPCR), safety cabinets, plate readers, freeze dryer, Hamilton automated pipetting robot.
Autoclave and Media Service
The autoclave and media service offers a glass washing, autoclaving and media preparation service for researchers.