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Sainsbury Laboratory

 Quantified cell eccentricity in 1) wild type, 2) pom2 (centre), and 3) csi1 (right) plants, showing the variation in patterning between wild type and mechanically compromised mutants. Image by Henrik Åhl.
Alt Text: 
Quantified cell eccentricity in 1) wild type, 2) pom2 (centre), and 3) csi1 (right) plants, showing the variation in patterning between wild type and mechanically compromised mutants. Image by Henrik Åhl.
Title Text: 
Quantified cell eccentricity in 1) wild type, 2) pom2 (centre), and 3) csi1 (right) plants, showing the variation in patterning between wild type and mechanically compromised mutants. Image by Henrik Åhl.