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Sainsbury Laboratory

Depletion of hypocotyl GA can be better detected with nlsGPS2 - Emission ratios of nlsGPS1 and nlsGPS2 in 3 d dark-grown hypocotyls (6 h dark control) and hypocotyls transferred to light for 6 h
Alt Text: 
Depletion of hypocotyl GA can be better detected with nlsGPS2 - Emission ratios of nlsGPS1 and nlsGPS2 in 3 d dark-grown hypocotyls (6 h dark control) and hypocotyls transferred to light for 6 h
Title Text: 
Depletion of hypocotyl GA can be better detected with nlsGPS2 - Emission ratios of nlsGPS1 and nlsGPS2 in 3 d dark-grown hypocotyls (6 h dark control) and hypocotyls transferred to light for 6 h