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Sainsbury Laboratory

Illustration of the tissue-level segmentation workflow showing different processing stages, consisting of the 1) raw data, 2) contour, 3) surface mesh, 4) mesh curvature, and 5) the final, segmented mesh. Image by Henrik Åhl.
Alt Text: 
Illustration of the tissue-level segmentation workflow showing different processing stages, consisting of the 1) raw data, 2) contour, 3) surface mesh, 4) mesh curvature, and 5) the final, segmented mesh. Image by Henrik Åhl.
Title Text: 
Illustration of the tissue-level segmentation workflow showing different processing stages, consisting of the 1) raw data, 2) contour, 3) surface mesh, 4) mesh curvature, and 5) the final, segmented mesh. Image by Henrik Åhl.