Xyloglucan deficiency leads to a reduction in turgor pressure and changes in cell wall properties, affecting early seedling establishment
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Raw data for Xyloglucan deficiency leads to a reduction in turgor pressure and changes in cell wall properties affecting early seedling establishment
F Bou Daher, L Serra, R Carter, H Jönsson, S Robinson, EM Meyerowitz, WM Gray
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Hibiscus bullseyes reveal mechanisms controlling petal pattern proportions that influence plant-pollinator interactions
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Mean-field theory approach to three-dimensional nematic phase transitions in microtubules
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Stiffness transitions in new walls post-cell division differ between Marchantia polymorpha gemmae and Arabidopsis thaliana leaves.
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Differential Growth is an Emergent Property of Mechanochemical Feedback Mechanisms in Curved Plant Organs
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Sugar signaling modulates SHOOT MERISTEMLESS expression and meristem function in Arabidopsis
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Context-specific functions of transcription factors controlling plant development: from leaves to flowers
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A 3D gene expression atlas of the floral meristem based on spatial reconstruction of single nucleus RNA sequencing data
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High-throughput 3D phenotyping of plant shoot apical meristems from tissue-resolution data
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KATANIN and CLASP function at different spatial scales to mediate microtubule response to mechanical stress in Arabidopsis cotyledons
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Molecular mechanism of cytokinin-activated cell division in Arabidopsis
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Tissue folding at the organ–meristem boundary results in nuclear compression and chromatin compaction
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A multiscale analysis of early flower development in Arabidopsis provides an integrated view of molecular regulation and growth control
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Limits and Constraints on Mechanisms of Cell-Cycle Regulation Imposed by Cell Size-Homeostasis Measurements
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Cytoskeletal organization in isolated plant cells under geometry control
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Auxin transport model for leaf venation
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Mechanical asymmetry of the cell wall predicts changes in pavement cell geometry
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Anisotropic growth is achieved through the additive mechanical effect of material anisotropy and elastic asymmetry
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The self-organization of plant microtubules inside the cell volume yields their cortical localization, stable alignment, and sensitivity to external cues
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Nitrate modulates stem cell dynamics in Arabidopsis shoot meristems through cytokinins
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Mechanochemical Polarization of Contiguous Cell Walls Shapes Plant Pavement Cells
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Cell type boundaries organize plant development
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Different reprogramming propensities in plants and mammals: Are small variations in the core network wirings responsible?
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Fluctuations of the transcription factor ATML1 generate the pattern of giant cells in the Arabidopsis sepal
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Cell size and growth regulation in the Arabidopsis thaliana apical stem cell niche
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Auxin acts through MONOPTEROS to regulate plant cell polarity and pattern phyllotaxis
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A continuous growth model for plant tissue
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A model analysis of mechanisms for radial microtubular patterns at root hair initiation sites
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Signaling from maize organ primordia via FASCIATED EAR3 regulates stem cell proliferation and yield traits
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Spatio-temporal registration of 3D microscopy image sequences of Arabidopsis floral meristems
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Shifting foundations: the mechanical cell wall and development
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An epidermis-driven mechanism positions and scales stem cell niches in plants
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Subcellular and supracellular mechanical stress prescribes cytoskeleton behavior in Arabidopsis cotyledon pavement cells
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Stress and strain provide positional and directional cues in development
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The moss Physcomitrella patens reproductive organ development is highly organized, affected by the two SHI/STY genes and by the level of active auxin in the SHI/STY expression domain
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Plant stem cell maintenance involves direct transcriptional repression of differentiation program
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On evaluating models in computational morphodynamics
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Models of sequestration and receptor cross-talk for explaining multiple mutants in plant stem cell regulation
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Alignment between PIN1 polarity and microtubule orientation in the shoot apical meristem reveals a tight coupling between morphogenesis and auxin transport
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A modeling study on how cell division affects properties of epithelial tissues under isotropic growth
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A cell-based model for quorum sensing in heterogeneous bacterial colonies
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Modeling plant growth and pattern formation
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Modeling auxin-regulated development
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