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Sainsbury Laboratory

Read more at: Siyu Miao

Siyu Miao

The shoot apical meristem (SAM) is a cluster of stem cells responsible for the generation of all above-ground plant tissues. It is regulated by a complex system of transcription factors (TFs), signalling peptides and hormones. WUSHEL (WUS) is the TF which defines stem cell identity in Arabidopsis thaliana. It upregulates the signalling peptide CLV3, which in turn inhibits WUS as a negative feedback loop to constrain SAM size.

Read more at: Dr Sebastián Moreno Ramirez

Dr Sebastián Moreno Ramirez


Read more at: Dr Argyris Zardilis

Dr Argyris Zardilis

 Research Interests 

I’m generally interested in the application of formal methods (computer science, computational) on complex multi-scale (biological) systems and especially in systems where there are emergent phenomena. 

Read more at: Dr Tamsin Spelman

Dr Tamsin Spelman


Read more at: Aram Gurzadyan

Aram Gurzadyan


Read more at: Dr Nadia Radzman

Dr Nadia Radzman

Research Interests

Most legumes could form nitrogen-fixing nodules through mutualistic symbiosis with soil bacteria. Therefore, legume crops do not rely heavily on nitrogen fertilisers. Since high nitrogen fertilisers usage consumes fossil fuels and leads to various environmental problems, nitrogen-fixing crops provide more sustainable option for food production. I am fascinated by the high plasticity of legume root development and this drives my research interest in understanding the mechanisms underlying this property.


Read more at: Dr Pawel Roszak

Dr Pawel Roszak

Research Interests

Development of multicellular organisms depends on a tight spatial and temporal control of locally operating genetic programs. Given genes become activated or repressed only in given cells leading to development of sophisticated tissue patterns. Control of mitotic activity and direction of cell division plane leads to directional growth and development of plethora of plant organ shapes. These mechanisms underlying plant morphogenesis remain main interest of my research.