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Sainsbury Laboratory

The shoot apical meristem (SAM) is a cluster of stem cells responsible for the generation of all above-ground plant tissues. It is regulated by a complex system of transcription factors (TFs), signalling peptides and hormones. WUSHEL (WUS) is the TF which defines stem cell identity in Arabidopsis thaliana. It upregulates the signalling peptide CLV3, which in turn inhibits WUS as a negative feedback loop to constrain SAM size. WUS-CLV3 interactions are complicated by their dynamical effects on each other, as well as other factors including the less well-studied CLV3/Endosperm surrounding region-related (CLE) peptides and downstream targets of WUS. Mechanical and geometrical contributions from meristem shape also play a role in WUS-CLV3 dynamics.

In my PhD study, I aim to first understand the maintenance of wild-type inflorescence meristem and the dynamical initiation of de novo shoot regeneration from lateral roots. I would then explore the influence of CLE peptides and other factors on both systems via mutation and exogenous application studies. Mathematical modelling will be applied to give insight on relationships between factors, and predict changes to SAM features when the factors are modified.

PhD Student
Siyu Miao

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